Welcome into our Tennessee ranch style home, loaded with pops color for Fall complete APstyle. Our three children are at the perfect ages to get excited about Halloween when mom starts pulling out the spiders. I am not a big fan of scary Halloween decor but more of a "cute not creepy". Give me all the pumpkins, ghost, and spiders and I will totally add a bow and pops of pink to make it my style.
I am so excited to be participating in the It's A Colorful Life 2020 Fall Home Tour. This group of ladies is so talented and I love seeing how they decorate their gorgeous homes with pops of fun color. You will definitely want to follow the hashtag and check them out! Today I am excited to be featured with Haneen's Haven. Be sure you go check out her beautiful, colorful Fall decor!
Want in on this fun tour? Use the hashtag #ItsAColorfulLifeTour on your Instagram feed during the week of October 12-17th. I would love to see how you use color to decorate your home for this season. Each Friday, a few favorites will be featured on It's a Colorful Life Home Tour Fall Edition's Instagram stories!
Front Porch

My front porch is a place that I always want to be inviting and welcoming. I love decorating it for every season. I recently painted my front doors this hot pink color and I am SO in love! My Sidekicks (followers) can't get over that my husband let me do this, but what can I say...he's just the best!!
I love to mix my high-end pieces with my bargain finds. Here I have mixed my blue and white chinoiserie with my Target dollar bin spiders and hats. The brooms, witches hats, and spiders are a huge hit with the kids. They love coming out and looking at them, especially my youngest, John Crewe. Layer these fun pieces with some pumpkins and mums and you are ready for trick-or-treaters!
When you walk into my hot pink doors, you enter the foyer. I also recently redid this area of my home and added more hot pink! My husband really is the best isn't he?!?
I spray painted these chairs with hot pink spray paint from our local hardware store and then covered them in fabric that was on sale from Hobby Lobby. Layering is key so I added tons of pillows, blue and white chinoiserie, and books to make the space more welcoming. I couldn't find a piece of artwork that I really loved, so I decided to paint one myself. I bought paints that would match the pieces I decorated with and painted it on a giant canvas. I definitely don't call myself a professional painter but I LOVE how it turned out. I think it is the perfect finishing touch for the area.
The last area I want to show you is my kitchen. Specifically my island which is overflowing with Fall decor. My kitchen island is something I am constantly changing and rearranging. Whether it's someone's birthday, derby week, or a holiday...I love changing it up consistently.
This month I have it layered with small pumpkins, desserts, and Halloween decor. This month is definitely geared more toward kid-friendly decorations and treats. My little ones love how fun this setup is. Having candy corn constantly out and easy to grab doesn't hurt either ;)
I have loved giving you this little tour of my colorful, Fall home. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. I also hope you got some easy ideas of ways to decorate your home! I would love to see what you recreate and put your own spin on. Make sure to tag me so I can see @airicapuckettstyle !